You have a not very cheap wine, don’t throw it away! On the contrary, be prepared to discover how underrated wine cocktails are thanks to the recipes of the best bars and restaurants in the country:
01. The royal touch
* Vodka 15ml
* 6 ml blackcurrant syrup
* Lychee syrup 6ml
* Sparkling wine 130ml
This lively blend of vodka and sparkling wine will not disappoint you, serve it in a champagne glass
02. Blood on the roof
* 20ml white rum
* 20ml gin
* 20 ml tequila
* Vodka 20ml
* 30ml red wine
* 10ml lime juice
* Dash of Sprite
Mix an entire shaker, the red wine will float in your glass!
03.Apple & Orange spritz
* 90ml sauvignon blanc
* 15ml of Aperol
* 5 ml orange syrup
* Apple cider 120ml
Serve very fresh with a slice of orange for decoration.
04. Bloody Awesome
* 20ml gin
* 15ml of hibiscus pomegranate kokum shrub
* 20ml beet wine shrub
* 20 ml Campari
* 45ml pomegranate juice
* 90ml shiraz zampa cabin
* Rose petals for garnish
Pour the cocktail into a wine glass and garnish it with a rose petal.
Don’t drink and drive. Enjoy responsibly.