Byrrh (1936)

Among the quinquina wine brands, Byrrh is the one that has given the artists the most scope. The poster collection displayed in his Thuir installations is worth a visit. For many years, the product was presented as a tonic with medicinal properties. Little by little, it was the aperitif aspect that became obvious – the formula “à votre santé” has a pleasant ambiguity in French, after all… But if it became difficult to count on the support of a doctor to promote the benefits of alcohol in France in the 1930s, there remained a field where one could freely associate oneself with notions of vigour and surpassing oneself: sport. Throughout Europe, in the immediate pre-war period, there were advertisements for aromatized wines that played the football card. The message here is clear: no matter who wins, what matters is the glass of friendship. And Byrrh pays for it.

François Monti

No conduzca bajo los efectos del alcohol. Consuma con moderación.

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