The government of Burkina Faso reaffirms its position against adulterated beverages that mainly affect the school environment.


The government is preventing sales and declaring “war” on producers, importers, wholesalers and retailers. Among the adulterated spirits or beverages are: Sopal, lion d’or, roy, score, koutoukou, gnamarou, quimapousse, visa ou leader, flihter, glambo, red, label, épéron, stricker, mangoustan and bousculator. Among other common liquors such as whiskey, gin and wine. They represent a growing concern for the government as these drinks are common especially in the school environment.

The Burkinabe government bans the sale of adulterated and unhealthy beverages. In a statement issued by the ministry on September 6, 2019, it informed those involved that they would be subject to penalties under current legislation.

The Council of Ministers at its session of Wednesday, February 19, 2020 took a decree rectifying decree n°2016 926/PRES/PM/MATDSI/MJDHPC/MENA of October 03, 2016. Said decree deals with the protection of school domains.

The adoption of this amending decree, explained at the time the Minister of Communication and Government Spokesman, Remi Fulgance Dandjinou, aimed at reinforcing the security of school domains. In addition, to ensure greater peace of mind, which is essential for the smooth running of school activities. This implies taking into account issues related to tobacco, alcohol and narcotics in the school environment. Despite all these safeguards, evil persists.


Don’t drink and drive. Enjoy responsibly.


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