what's up today #2 - bars, cocktails, spirits, liquors, drinks, bartenders

What’s up today🌍🌎🌏 #2

Welcome to What’s up today🌍🌎🌏, your international news digest in the world of spirits, distilleries, bars, bartenders, drinks, cocktails, mixology and more.


What’s Up Today🌍🌎🌏? #2

World’s strongest vodka / a rum bottle sold $30,000 / beer / drinking habits

This French spirit producer from Bayonne claims has created the “World’s strongest vodka”

By Thomas Villepreux / SudOuest

Matthieu Rigaud from Bayonne produces spirits close to 100 degrees and beats the previous “record”. This doctor, who has designed a hydroalcoholic gel, is betting on originality. To consume moderately, of course.


Beer sales in Germany are recovering but remain below pre-pandemic levels

By Reuters

“BERLIN, Feb 1 (Reuters) – Germany sold 8.8 billion litres of beer in 2022, but sales of the beverage still haven’t recovered from the pandemic, statistics office data showed on Wednesday.”


In the US, drinkers are seeking better drinking habits driven by occasion and not category

By Melita Kiely

“Consumers in the US are more driven by occasions rather than categories when choosing their alcoholic beverages, revealed the marketing head of Campari America.”


A 250 year-old bottle of rum was sold for nearly $30,000 

By Tanisha Salwan

“As per a report published in vinepair.com, it is a 1780 vintage rum which reportedly was distilled in Barbados on the Harewood estate and was discovered in the cellar of the Harewood House in the UK by two wine trade professionals in 2011.”



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