
More non-alcoholic cocktails to enjoy in Dry January

We bring two recipes, one by Health-Ade Kombucha, to continue the dry month with more original alcohol-free cocktails.


Frozen Cocoa Cocktail by Health-Ade Kombucha 

The brand specialising in kombucha, the perfect non-alcoholic fermented drink for the gut, offers this version of boozy hot chocolate, but cold and without alcohol! This recipe includes hazelnut milk, and chocolate bitters and the measures are adapted for four people.


12 0z of Holiday Cheers Health Ade Kombucha cold

8 oz of cold coffee

20 oz of cold hazelnut milk

6 oz of crushed ice

1 teaspoon cinnamon

2 teaspoons of cocoa powder

6 drops of chocolate bitters

2 teaspoons of honey

2 oz finely grated chocolate

4 chocolate squares cut into triangles for garnish


Combine kombucha, coffee, hazelnut milk, crushed ice, cinnamon, cocoa powder, bitters and honey in a high power blender. Mix for one minute at high speed until well blended and iced.

Add a little honey to the rim of the glasses. Dip them in the grated chocolate and stir the glass to make it even. Pour the drink evenly between the glasses and garnish them with the chocolate triangles and a little cinnamon.



Strawberry and Basil Lemonade Soda

A refreshing, bubbly drink.


Strawberry and lemon flavoured sparkling water such as Spindrift

Half a lemon

Fresh Basil

2 tablespoons of sugar


Squeeze half a lemon, eight sliced strawberries and three basil leaves plus the sugar, in the bottom of a glass. Crush. Strain into two glasses over ice. Finally add the lemon or strawberry drink and decorate with strawberries.


Don’t drink and drive. Enjoy responsibly.

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