Q&A with Antony Bertin, winner of the Cognac Bartender Contest France
We made a Q&A with Antony Bertin @antony_bertin_od winner of the #cognacbartendercontest France organized with @cognac_official ! Watch it here!
The Cognac Bartender Contest rewarded Antony Bertin, bartender at Aquarium Bar in Dinard at the Castelbrac Hotel, as the Big Winner of the contest for his cocktail “Terre Lune” (Moon Earth).
This talented 32 year-old head bartender of the Aquarium Bar in Dinard expressed himself briefly about what motivated him to participate: “I decided to participate in the Cognac Bartender Contest because I particularly appreciate Cognac as a spirit, whether it is for tasting neat or in cocktails(…) Expressing my creations through videos is something that I am as passionate about as for the bar itself, even if I consider myself as an apprentice videographer. To participate in this contest, is a beautiful opportunity to mix both passions”.
We recently interviewed Antony for a special and fun Q&A video.
SH: What did you like the most about your cocktail Terre Lune?
Antony Bertin: Mixing two passions, the Universe and Cocktails. So I managed to highlight the Moon around the Earth with this cocktail.
SH: Which Food pairing for your cocktail?
Antony Bertin: Definitely veggies with the Earth Experience and Ice Cream for the Moon Experience.
SH: Mixologist or Bartender?
Antony Bertin: I’d say a bit of both. Mixologist is really the one behind the cocktails, and I also like the bartender that is attending people and I like preparing other drinks too, hot drinks.”
SH: Drink or Drive?
Antony Bertin: Actually I don’t drive! So I’d say drink, but never both!
If an astronaut could taste your cocktail, who would it be?
Antony Bertin: No doubt Thomas Pesquet, French astronaut. He is preparing a new trip into Space to the ISS and he would like to go to Mars.
I know that great chefs such as Thierry Marx prepare food that can be tasted in the ISS so why not my cocktail Terre Lune at the Space station too.
Thank you to Spirits Hunters and the BNIC!
The Terre Lune Cocktail
[Earth Experience]
Add in a tumbler:
50 ml VSOP Cognac
10 ml Hazelnut syrup
30 ml White Penja Cordial
20 ml verjus
60 ml chestnut blue tea
Then make a Cuban Roll to refresh and combine the ingredients.
[Moon Experience]
Add to a soda siphon 50 ml of Cognac VSOP infused with toasted hazelnut.
Keep 24 hours in the cold. Then, fill the Moon glass and add 1 dry ice cube to “freeze” the cognac.
Serve under a glass bell.
Don’t drink and drive. Enjoy responsibly.
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